General Nutrition
Online Consultations – What to expect?
Amidst the craziness in the world, it can be easy to become focused on the negative. We need to take a collective deep breath together and focus on what we CAN do. What is that? Look after your own and your family’s immunity, health and overall wellbeing. This is why I have introduced online consultations…
Read MoreMineral Deficiencies, Heavy Metal or Toxic Mineral Excess & Auto Immunity
In our clinic, I help many people with auto immune diseases. Defined as any of these diseases where your body turns on itself and attacks itself, the list of auto immune diseases is a long one, containing 98 medically diagnosed conditions including: Addison’s disease targeting the adrenal glands Autoimmune hepatitis affecting the liver Crohn’s disease…
Read MoreYour genes load the gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger – understanding your genetic makeup
You may have heard the saying… Your genes load the gun, your lifestyle pulls the trigger… Genes don’t determine your destiny, your lifestyle does that! But understanding your unique genetic makeup will help you live the lifestyle to best support your health. Even if you have undesirable genetic variations, and we all do, if you…
Read MoreHealthy Gut – Healthy You
If you’ve been to see me in clinic for a consultation then you’ve heard me say that when your gut isn’t functioning well nothing functions well. Your gut health will affect: your immune system function: a healthy gut helps you fight and recover from illness and infection, your moods and concentration: a healthy gut makes…
Read MoreWhat Your Hair Says About Your Nutrient Status
I’ve had a lot of women mention during their consults that they are unhappy with their hair. The most common complaints are that: their hair is frizzy their hair is dry or that their hair is thinning. This is often followed by the question what can I take to make my hair grow thicker, longer,…
Read MoreSLEEP – Are You Getting Enough?
I have found that there are very few things in life that beat a lazy morning sleep-in with no alarm clock! Living a modern, hectic lifestyle, I find that sleep can be a wonderful restorative, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. The more we learn about sleep, the brain, and overall health, the…
Read MoreAsthma in Children – The Three R’s of Treatment
Asthma, is one of the 4As of early childhood health– Allergies, Asthma, Autism & ADHD. Combined, these represent a cluster of health conditions that are exploding in our children. Asthma particularly is the most common childhood condition in Australia, and the most common cause of childhood visits to the hospital and even missed school days.…
Read MoreCauses of Pain & Inflammation
In the last two months I have been seeing many patients with poorly managed pain. Typically they have either come to see me after finding that standard approaches to pain management have stopped working, or never worked to start with. The actual conditions are often varied. It may be:
muscular aches.
digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease.
worsened period pain.
and headaches.
Regardless of how the pain is manifesting, I always find it’s important to understand the “real” reason for pain. Short of acute injury, pain is a warning signal, and usually a sign of out of control inflammatory processes going on. In this article I hope to clarify facts about causes and contributors of inflammation and inflammation driven conditions.
“Chronic pain and inflammation ruins lives, but it doesn’t have to be this way – our bodies are designed to repair, recover and WIN “
Read MoreWhy I Believe Treating Mood Disorders Starts In the Gut
All disease begins in the gut – Hippocrates In the clinic I see a lot of patients with varying forms of mood disorders. It could be primary depression or anxiety, where they are looking for alternative treatment options, or it could be secondary, a mental health condition that has arisen due to a longer term…
Read MoreThree Foods I Always Try to Buy Organic
Have you ever been travelling through Singapore or Thailand and looked at the amazing array of counterfeit or grey market products available in the markets? It seems that you can get absolutely anything, and for often less than a quarter of the price you would pay for the real thing. Computer software and games seem…
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