Rebuilding After Adrenal Fatigue

It’s hard not be stressed these days. Our lifestyles are becoming increasingly busy and the opportunities for rest and relaxation seems to be decreasing.

Increasingly, we are seeing clients in our clinic that are affected by adrenal fatigue, or adrenal exhaustion. Fortunately, correct nutrition and herbal supplementation can help to treat this common disorder.

What are Adrenal Fatigue and Adrenal Exhaustion?

When you are in a stressful situation, your body produces a number of hormones. These include:

  • Epinephrine, more commonly known as adrenaline;
  • Nor-epinephrine, or nor-adrenaline; and,
  • Cortisol.

These hormones, serve a number of important roles in the body.

  1. They help you to survive – the adrenal hormones are the source of those amazing surges of strength and speed you often hear about in accidents, adventure stories or other potentially life threatening situations.
  2. They help protect your body from the side effects of stress – the ongoing exposure to stress, is dangerous to your body. Adrenal hormones, help to protect your body from this damage.
Adrenal fatigue & adrenal exhaustion are where your body is no longer able to product sufficient quantities of these hormones.

What Happens When Adrenal Fatigue Sets In?

All the hormones produced by the adrenal glands also have other important functions in your body. When your bodies adrenal glands stop producing enough of these you may notice symptoms like:

  • fatigue and lethargy;
  • constant colds, flues and low grade fevers;
  • memory problems;
  • unusual food cravings;
  • problems with carbohydrate metabolism and blood sugar control.

How Can You Recover From Adrenal Fatigue?

It’s important you treat adrenal fatigue holistically by focussing on both your diet and lifestyle. Nutritional and herbal supplementation alone, will not make dramatic changes while you’re still burning the candle at both ends.

Avoid Stimulants As Much as Possible

It is important to stay away from stimulants including coffee and tea. Caffeine has been shown to increase levels of epinephrine (adrenaline) by up to 32%. This will only force the adrenal glands to work harder and make recovery longer.

There are lots of great substitutes for coffee and tea: caro, dandelion tea and rooibos tea. You can generally find these in the supermarket, or health food store.

Increase Consumption of Adrenal Supporting Minerals and Vitamins

There are a number of minerals and vitamins that your adrenal glands love. Make them happy by ensuring you include good qualities of the following in your diet.

Nutrient Purpose Good Sources
B Vitamins Help to re-activate and revive the adrenal glands Brewer’s yeast, liver and whole grain cereals
Vitamin C Improves the manufacture of adrenal hormones Guava, chilies, capsicum and berries
Magnesium Used in the manufacture of adrenal hormones Almonds, brazil nuts, kelp and sunflower seeds

We find regular, high does of Vitamin C one of the most powerful contributors to recovery of your adrenal glands. In fact the importance of vitamin C is shown by the high concentrations of vitamin C in the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands have the second highest concentration of vitamin C with up to 30mg.

Support the Adrenal Glands Using Herbs

We have good results with a number of herbs that have been used to combat stress and support the adrenal glands. These include:

  • Korean Ginseng;
  • Rehmennia;
  • Astragalus; and
  • Licorice;

It is important to talk with our Naturopaths about herbal supplements for adrenal support.

If you are using prescription medication some herbs may cause complications. Our Naturopathic Team can help you to choose the right combination for your situation.

Always Talk to a Qualified Naturopathic Practitioner

For best results dealing with adrenal fatigue and exhaustion it is important to consult with a naturopath.

The effects of long exposure to high levels of cortisol and other adrenal hormones can lead to:

  • immune system problems;
  • gastro intestinal tract and bowel disturbances;
  • insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.

Our Brisbane Naturopath Team can help you to a complete recovery.

To book a time with our naturopath feel free to call us on07 3800 1993, email us at or book online.